Thursday, June 5, 2008


We are really enjoying working with our kids, although it is very difficult at times. Justina and I (Yuliana) are working with 90 percent mapuche kids (indian kids). We teach them Engish in the afternoons and during the day we help and encourage the teachers because it is a very difficult job to work with them.

We mostly work with the teacher who teaches special ed students and the younger kids. We see that these teachers really love having us and appreciate us comming to teach their kids.

Unfourtantly for the last two days we have not been able to go out to the schools because gas prices protest has been going on and no taxis and buses will drive. So, in order for us not to in danger our lifes our ministry host said it would be better to stay.

We hope to go tomorrow and come back safely.

1 comment:


i'm praying for your safety, chile team! don't be discouraged about the situations there that may be keeping you from what you think you should be doing... i KNOW God is using you in EVERYTHING you do over there. you are a light--and a light just needs to shine really. i love you girls! yulie and rachel, be encouraged... just one step at a time... keep your eyes focused (rachel) and yulie--you are stronger than you think!

LOVE and prayers,